• Outlet

Step up your running game

Join Team Johaug and take your running to new heights.

The positive aspect of running as a form of exercise is that it requires little preparation, no equipment, and can be done virtually anywhere. Additionally, setting goals and challenging yourself can provide an inner sense of strength and confidence.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, we have gathered some helpful tips to get you started: 

  1. Set motivating goals and gradually increase intensity as you become more comfortable. 

  2. Find a running partner or a group to make training more enjoyable and maintain consistency. 

  3. Vary your training to challenge your body in new ways but remember to listen to your body and provide it with proper nutrition and hydration. 

  4. Don't forget to celebrate your own successes, whether it's beating a personal record or completing a tough workout.

Give yourself a break from the everyday stress and prioritize self-care. Together, we will achieve our goals. Lace up your running shoes and hit the road. 

The road to a half marathon

We’ve made a running program of 14 days to help you on the road to a half marathon, even if you’re a beginner or an experienced runner. If you’re not ready for a half marathon, you can also use the programs for inspiration to get started.

It’s important to start at a slower pace. In the beginning, your mind and body will have to get used to running and build up your endurance.

Week 1

1. Monday: Long run

  • 8-10 km (slow pace)

  • Time: 1:00 h

2. Tuesday: Rest day

3. Wednesday: Intervals

  • 20 min warm-up

  • 8x800m, p:1:30 min

  • 10 min cool-down

  • Time: 1:00 h

4. Thursday: Run + Strength training

  • Run 15 min

  • 30 min core, include legs and upper body

5. Friday: Rest day

6. Saturday: Long run

  • 12-15 km progressive run

  • Time: 1:15-1:45 h (i2)

7. Sunday: Rest day

Week 2

8. Monday: Long run

  • 8-10 km (slow pace)

  • Time: 1:00 h

9. Tuesday: Rest day

10. Wednesday: Treadmill intervals

  • 6x4 min, p:2 min

  • Incline (1-3%)

  • Find a steady pace

11. Thursday: Run + Strength training

  • Run 15 min

  • 30 min core, include legs and upper body

12. Friday: Rest day

13. Saturday: Long threshold run

  • 4 km warm-up: 1 km (half marathon pace) + 1 km (marathon pace)

  • 8-10 km in total (threshold pace)

14. Sunday: Rest day

Week 1

1. Monday: Long run

  • 8-10 km (slow pace)

  • Time: 1:00 h

2. Tuesday: Rest day

3. Wednesday: Treadmill intervals

  • 45-sec run, 15-sec pause

  • 10 rounds x 3 sets with 2 min pause between sets

  • Start with 10 km/h, increase the pace if it feels steady

  • Incline (1–3%)

  • Time: 01:15 h

4. Thursday: Run + Strength training

  • 30 min run

  • 30 min core, include legs and upper body

5. Friday: Long run

  • 8-10 km (slow pace)

  • 6 rounds with increasing speed 80-100 m

  • Time: 01:15 h

6. Saturday: Intervals

  • 6-8 rounds x 1000 m, p:1 min (half marathon pace)

  • Time: 01:15 h

7. Sunday: Long run

  • 15-18 km

  • Slow pace the first 5 km

  • Increase speed the last part, but keep it steady

  • Time: 01:45 h

Week 2

8. Monday: Long run

  • 8-10 km (slow pace)

  • Time: 1:00 h

9. Tuesday: Rest day

10. Wednesday: Intervals on trail

  • 5x6 min steady pace, p:1:30 min

  • Time: 01:15 h

11. Thursday: Run + Strength training

  • 15 min run

  • 30 min core, including legs and upper body

12. Friday: Rest day

  • Get well rested for the session on Saturday

13. Saturday: Hill intervals

  • 10 reps x 150-200 m

  • 2 rounds with 4 min pause between

  • Sprint up the hill, rest while jogging down

  • Time: 01:15 h

14. Sunday: Long run

  • 15-18 km

  • Slow pace the first 5 km

  • Increase speed in the last part, but keep it steady

  • Time: 01:45 h

Join Therese Johaug on training camps

Johaug Recharge: Limnos, Greece 2024

Johaug Recharge: Fuerteventura, Spain 2025

Do you need a time-out from everyday life? Johaug Recharge is a unique concept developed to give girls exactly that.

Join us on a training adventure and recharge your batteries with Therese Johaug! Therese and other talented trainers will offer varied sessions in strength training, endurance training and yoga. We guarantee that you will find training classes that suit you.

The first training trip with Therese to Playitas in March 2023 was an unforgettable experience. In September 2024, you can be one of the lucky ones to get a spot at Johaug Recharge at the gorgeous Apollo Sports Hotel Porto Myrina – powered by Playitas on the beautiful island of Limnos in Greece.


Johaug Redaksjonen

Do you need more motivation to start running?

Listen to the podcast Johaug Redaksjonen and get the best running tips from Olympic champion Therese Johaug and her colleague and friend Kathrine Meiner.

In the podcast, you will get to know the girls and their inspiring guests better. We guarantee you’ll get extra motivation for an active lifestyle, and gain learning about training and health.

NB! The podcast is in Norwegian.


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Confident. Determined. Feminine.


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